Welcome to the catalog with replicas of historical glass. You can order replicas of historical glass (forest glass, gothic tumblers, renaissance and gift glasses) from our production in four colors: green, smog (smoke), blue and clear.
Replicas of historical glass from our studio faithfully preserve the character and all properties of historical glass and thus ensure an extraordinary experience. After a few centuries we try to revive the artisanal production of so-called "forest glass" or "green glass" - replicas of mainly Gothic and Renaissance goblets. We believe that historical glass will interest and enchant you. Replicas of historical glass to order - if you are interested and have an interesting order volume, we can create a replica for you based on your design. We believe you will be interested in our historical glass replicas. You can see our offer in the catalog of replicas of historical glass
HISTORICAL GLASS - we are here for you :-)